Monday, October 10, 2011

On Foreign Policy, War and Nation Building


-Shows a video clip of Bush and the claim that 1-2 years was the longest anyone thought the Iraq war would last

-There is a great deal of war weariness

-Romney says he will listen to the Generals (who mostly seem to want to stay) and he wants to leave sooner that Obama wants to, so he has staked contradictory positions.

To say that nobody knew that Iraq could last a long time is inaccurate.
In 1994 Dick Cheney said that 'if we removed Saddam, what would we put in it's place?', even went so far as calling it a quagmire...

Even worse, an investigation shows that the evidence suggests that the Bush Administration 'exaggerated and misrepresented' the case for war against Iraq...

ABC News Interview (Foreign Policy - Wars)

Ron Paul: 'America is not the worlds policeman'.

On The O'Reilly Show on National Security and Terrorism

Mind blowing: Islamic radicals attacked on 9/11 for having military bases in the Holy Land NOT for the United States people's 'freedom'. This is true. the stated reason by Al-Qaeda for attacking the United States is the military bases in the Holy Land (Saudi Arabia) and the support of tyraniccal regimes in the middle east. With the Arab Spring one reason is beginning to dissolve the other reason would dissolve with Ron Paul's Presidency as he would remove all bases saving a ton of money and there would be non of the nonsense that Al-Qaeda is attacking America's because of their 'freedom' or 'way of life' - that never was, and still isn't, a stated purpose of the terrorists. It was a Bush Administration slogan, which was incorrect as many other statements (see above)

Every normal analysis begins with the knowledge of America's history in the middle east and actual grieviences about ACTIONS taken in the middle eastern countries... this is the source of terrorism as Ron Paul obviously realizes (or he has done some general reading on the topic over the years)...

(Note: Ron Paul also makes a comparison of how it would feel if China invaded US - a method even professionals use to encourage empathy and understanding)

Clarification of Ron Paul's Foreign Policy Position

Ron Paul believes in non-interventionism NOT isolationism. In other words, Ron Paul's positions on dealing with other countries is primarily about diplomacy and only going to war when attacked but NEVER getting involved in nation biulding.

Dick Cheney vs. Ron Paul

There have been many headlines during the last 24 hours concerning the former Vice President’s dismissive attitude toward Ron Paul, and similarly, Paul’s dismissive attitude toward Dick Cheney.

No doubt, both Republicans represent starkly different GOP brands—on domestic policy, foreign policy and just about everything else you can imagine.

Cheney is the consummate Bush Republican and everything that represents. Paul is the thorough constitutionalist, in the tradition of the Founding Fathers and everything they represented.

But for all practical purposes in this election, the debate between the two essentially breaks down to this:

Dick Cheney: “Deficits don’t matter.”

Ron Paul: “We’re broke.”

Whether voters choose someone more like George W. Bush or George Washington in 2012—whether in the Republican primaries or the general election—will tell us which statement voters take more seriously.

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